puzzle pieces: eworm

Seeing what is there

Disappointment and dissatisfaction are the products of distortions in our perception that obscure our ability to see things as they really are. This means that a happier life is to be sought not by wishing that things were different, but simply by seeing what is there. In doing this, “it is not that something different is seen, but that one sees differently” [1]. And we need to look differently at things if we are to understand what Ancient Eastern Traditions have known for thousands of years: that we live in an interdependent world.
catedral metropolitana de buenos aires

What is philosophy?

Informative and indispensable, interesting but unnecessary, complex and useless; many and varied are the opinions concerning philosophy and its role in our daily lives. This is, perhaps, due to the difficulty we have in understanding just what philosophy is. In any case, with a little reflection we learn that aspects of philosophy are everywhere shaping our daily lives, and, as such, that philosophy really is essential. But why? And for what?
deconstructing constructs: TIMEANDDESIRE

Paradigms and paradoxes

From early in our childhood, ways of living are imposed on us by society. Parents, teachers, politicians, as well as others in our daily lives, try to shape our worldview in order to regulate our behaviour. And, for the most part, they succeed. Despite being problematic in itself, the real dillema in imposing a way of life is that imposed worldviews often contradict our nature and even reality itself, erroneously dictating the way we relate to the existential realities of life.
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